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Welcome to Head Geek in Charge, aka “Geekdom Kingdom!”

Reuben Martinez (aka "el Presidente")
Reuben is originally from Yonkers, NY and is a former Marine who went on to work as Director of IT for high-profile hotel companies like Four Seasons and Fontainebleau before becoming the proud papa of HGIC.
In the little spare time he has (because he also has SIX KIDS), Reuben likes riding his Harley and golfing. He’s also an avid musician, so if you’re looking for a bass player, drummer or keyboard player to fulfill your rock star fantasy, Reuben’s your guy!

Patricia "Patty" Martinez (aka "Mama Bear")
Patty is Reuben’s wife and one of HGIC’s MVPs. Besides raising their SIX children, Patty is actively involved in doing whatever it takes to make HGIC a success (just ask her about some of the tasks she’s taken on- the woman is crazy-dedicated)!
Patty and Reuben are true partners in life and business and are constantly thinking outside of the box to create the best company ever. Outside of work, Patty LOVES to sleep (can you blame her?) and watch “Modern Family.” Oh, and she can also do the splits. Yep, the splits.

Mike "Mickey" Albarran (aka “Git‘r Done’er”)
Mickey is one of HGIC’s OGs (that’s Original Gangster for the non-rappers), having been with the company for 4 years. A true team player, he spends most of his time working on-site at customers’ hotels, doing just about everything from opening a property to answering a service call.
When he’s not working, Mickey dotes on his wife and two boys, goes off-roading in his Jeep, and watches movies like "Pulp Fiction" and "Scarface" to help perfect his swagger.

Dadeve Pasquet (aka "Dee")
Dadeve is a Miami native whose family hails from Haiti. Dee lived in Haiti for a few years, and also spent a year in Chicago with her husband (Chicago turned out to be WAY too cold for our tropical girl, so she and hubby hustled themselves back to South Florida ASAP). She’s also the “Rainman” of potato chips, in that she can tell what type of potato chip a person is eating by the way the bag rattles. Next stop- America’s Got Talent!

Luis Hernandez (aka "THE Luis")
Luis has been with HGIC for one year, and says his proudest accomplishment is landing this gig. He also says his favorite things to do are eating, sleeping and playing video games, but that’s all about to change when he gets married later this year! Even though Luis is known in the office as the resident tough guy, deep down he’s really a teddy bear – offer him a chocolate chip cookie and you’ll have a loyal friend for life!

Limber Valdiviezo (aka “Limber Ricardo Valdiviezo Maradiaga”)
Limber came to Miami via Honduras in order to get his Associates degree in Computer Information Technology. He’s a passionate soccer fan, and if Limber had not pursued IT, he would have become a professional soccer player (his other hidden talent is doing voices and telling jokes, so he could be the next Gabriel Iglesias- you never know)! Limber likes watching comedies in his spare time, like “Empire Records” and “Grandma’s Boy,” and is also a big Tarantino fan (faves include “Django Unchained” and “Inglourious Basterds”).

Yoslay Medina (aka "Joe")
Yoslay moved to Miami from Cuba and has a wife and recently welcomed a baby girl into the world. For fun, Yoslay likes sports, taking down his fellow Geeks at paintball, and playing baseball. He has diverse taste in movies, liking everything from “Citizen X” to “Forrest Gump,” and from “The Godfather” to “The Notebook.” His musical tastes are just as varied, so much so that he loves listening to any type of music. Yoslay’s proudest accomplishment is graduating from college.

Richard Colimon (aka "Richard")
Richard came to Miami from Port-au-Prince, Haiti and has a wife and two children, ages 14 and 18 (the oldest just recently left for college, which was a huge event for the family). In his spare time, Richard enjoys art and cooking and is a major sci-fi geek- he’ll watch all kinds of sci-fi movies, whether they’re good or bad (even “Sharknado”). Richard’s favorite movie is “The Long Kiss Goodnight” and likes watching “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “The Daily Show,” and “The Colbert Report” on television.

Ralph Ommer (aka "Chief Hotel Geek")
Ralph hails from Southern California (Coronado) and is a proud husband and father of two boys. A true Californian, Ralph spent his childhood racing sailboats and loves working outdoors, whether it be ranching, live fire cooking, edible gardening or felling trees with a chainsaw (impressive!). Even though he lives in California, Ralph gets some 1980s Miami spice from his favorite television show, Miami Vice. As Crockett says, “No matter how hot it gets, sooner or later there’s a cool breeze coming in.”

Rene Lopez (aka "Kanito")
Originally from Loiza, Puerto Rico, Rene’s proudest accomplishment is attending college. He’s also a father of two girls, ages 6 and 11, with two more on the way- big congratulations! Besides being a full-time Geek, Rene loves writing and recording music (his favorite song is his own, called “Flow Que Activa”), and is a big fan of the movie “Scarface” and the TV show “Two and a Half Men.” The eternal optimist, Rene’s favorite phrase is “It’s never too late.”

Jonathan Jones (aka "Mr. Fix It")
Jonathan is from Orlando (though his wife of 20 years would say he’s actually from Mars) and is the proud father of two boys (ages 22 and 18) and a Yellow Lab named “Shadow.” An avid reader, Jonathan also loves spending time on the beach and building/remodeling things (like his new home). Jonathan lived in the Dominican Republic for 2 years and it’s his dream to retire there someday. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Manuel Cabrera (aka "Batman")
HGIC’s superhero Manuel was born in Sin City, Las Vegas, but was raised in Magic City, Miami. Like so many of his fellow Geeks, Manuel is a big music fan and loves to DJ in his spare time. He’s also very much into fitness, specifically crossfit and lifting, and has lost over 100 pounds- one of his proudest accomplishments. Manuel makes it a point to wake up each morning and be thankful for everything he has and finish everything he’s started

Giovanni Oliver (aka "Net Master")
Giovanni is from Puerto Rico, but has lived in many places (and points out that he’s had many crazy experiences in those places). His biggest recent life event is moving to Miami from Puerto Rico and his proudest accomplishment is getting his degree. Giovanni is single, loves art (his hidden talent is creativity), the movie “Requiem for a Dream” and “The Sopranos.” HGIC looks forward to Giovanni sharing his “crazy experiences” with the group during the next company outing (hint, hint)!

Ryan Lee (aka "Riggy")
Originally from Kingston, Jamaica, Ryan now lives in the D.C. area. Ryan likes working out at the gym, pretending to be The Rock. He’s also a movie and TV junkie, with a completely stocked DVR, and consumes two movies or shows each night (yes, he knows he probably watches WAY too much TV)! When it comes to music, Ryan is an old-school/neo-soul type of guy (think Seal and Sade). His personal philosophy is “be a rebel and break some rules before you regret the life you live.”

Juliana Elaine Abbott (aka "Juli")
Juli is a Sagittarius and currently works in HGIC’s Miami headquarters, but has lived in North Carolina, Korea and Germany. She’s the proud parent of two cats (“Tigger” and “Sly”) and one dog (adorably named “Chalupa”). When she’s not hard at work, Juli loves solving logic puzzles, traveling, visiting museums and seeing live shows like plays and concerts. Juli prides herself on being a people-person and always having positive interactions with customers. Her favorite phrase is “It’s all good.”

Steve Kanellopoulos (aka "Steve K.")
Originally from Greece, Steve is married with one 3-year old daughter- his biggest life-changing event so far. In fact, Steve’s favorite TV show used to be “House,” but his viewing preferences now range from “Dora the Explorer” to “Mickey Mouse Playhouse. When Steve isn’t working, he enjoys fixing things and working with his hands, though he admits he’s “not very good at it.” Steve’s favorite movie of all time is “Star Wars.”

Limber (and random hands)
Head Geek In Charge